Let your money work for you.

Run the latest automated trading strategies in your own personalised demat account.

Get The App

Reach your financial goals faster.

Save your short term goals and at the same time build an Emergency Fund

How it works

Invest in an intelligent portfolio of low fee-funds that are designed to meet your financial goals

Your eggs in lots of different basket.

add Diversifying your investments means you can minimize risk while maximizing rewards. We invest your money via model portfolios.

add We’ll help you choose a risk level you’re comfortable with, then build a custom portfolio based on your financial goals.

Trading made simple

  • add No jargon no paperwork.
  • add Search & Buy with strategies in your watchlist.
  • add Your money is never “locked-up”.
  • add Pay only percentage of your trading profits.

Simple, quick & delightful investing for you.

  • add Discover a wide range of short & long term strategies.
  • add Buy multiple strategies in one click.
  • add See trades as they happen in real time.

One-Click integration with your Brokerage account

When you invest via STOQ, instruments you buy are held in your existing demat account.
Get Started with your trading account

Your money on Autopilot

  • add Never miss an trading opportunity.
  • add Automatic rebalancing of your portfolio as market changes.
  • add Manage your account from anywhere with our App.
  • add We keep your money safe with our real time risk monitoring.

Rs 2000/MONTH

Rs 2000/MONTH

Rs 2000/MONTH

  • Plan Summary
  • Number of strategies
  • Performance Fees
  • Personalised Portfolio
  • Thematic Investment
  • Crypto Investment

Rs 500/MONTH

  • Get Started
  • 3
  • 15% profits
  • -
  • YES
  • NO

Rs 2000/MONTH

  • Get Started
  • 20
  • 10% profits
  • YES
  • YES
  • YES


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